Monday, April 27, 2009


What I have to write about has nothing to do with scooters, but I though that it was really funny that it gives some examples of what you can title your post at the bottom. The suggestions it gives you are scooters, vacation, and fall; I thought scooters was definitely the most random so I took them up on it.
I haven't written anything in quite sometime. I'm not as diligent or creative with my blog as Debbie and the Kansans are. That sounds like some old band or something haha. But anywho, we just went to Carlens graduation ceremony last Friday, we meaning mom, dad, deb, nick, and Carlen's family. It was great meshing the two families together again and seeing Carlen recieve his Diploma. It was a truly happy day seeing my husband finish his Bachelors and just having all the family there for him. I will post pictures of the graduation at a later date. I never have the right USB cords with me at work.
I am six months along now! I haven't been sick since the first trimester yay!!! The other joys of pregnancy have caught up with me though. Heartburn, Lower back pain, frequent going to the bathroomness, uncomfortable sleep, short fuse. But oh well, I'm just very very lucky that I don't have 9 months of nausea, kutos to those women who have to go through that. Jade Elizabeth is kicking and squirming everyday now. Today I'm going with Deb and Mom to register for my baby shower which is on May 30th! I'm very excited to finally go look at miniature human things! It will make everything seem more real and not just like it's been feeling; me getting a huge belly with a mind of its own.
I realize that our blog would be a lot more interesting with pictures so I promise I will put some up. That won't happen for a few more days, but they will be here I assure you.

Oh one last thing, who else is excited for X-Men Origins coming out this Friday!?! I know I am!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well Carlen graduated a few weeks ago Yay!!! He is now looking for a full time job and that is going to be wonderful! We have been living off of my income for quite a few months now and it's pretty difficult.
I am now 3 months pregnant and getting out of the quesy zone hopefully. We got to listen to the babies heart beat at my last appointment and it was so loud. He or she kept kicking too! I didn't know they could kick when they were the size of a bean! Well I'm excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl in a couple months and of course I will let all of you know. We think it's going to be a girl but you never know.
I've gotten a lot farther on my book and hope to have it finished in a year. Realistically probably in 2 years. My dream is to get it published, just because i'm going to be a stay at home mom doesn't mean I can't do anything else or follow other dreams that I have. I've always wanted to be an actress in movies; that is my biggest dream. I know it's really far out there but maybe someday I will get to be in some small local films at least. If I didn't have this book that I was writing I don't know what I would hold onto or look forward to. Besides my baby of course but I mean, I want to use my creativity and do things with my life.
Some really good movies we have seen lately: Doubt and Valkyrie. Both great movies that I would recommend. Oh and I never said I liked happy movies just a heads up for those who only like the traditional happy endings. Just look at my favorite movies list, i'm pretty sure I cried in all my favorite movies. Except Sword and the Stone and The Man who knew too little of course haha. I didn't cry in the above mentioned movies however; they are just thought provoking and inspirational and especially Doubt was very well acted and just incredible. I'm going to stop now because once I start talking about movies I won't stop. Except right now, I'm stopping.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hello Family. I am 8 weeks Pregnant now and it's a bundle of joy, let me tell ya. I have great respect for all you moms out there. Morning sickness is just terrible, and when I say morning sickness, I mean all the time everyday every second sickness. I started off surviving off cheese and crackers, now even that sounds revolting. I am now living off of ginger ale, gatorade, and plain bagels. It's quite depressing when you can't eat and when you can only stomach one thing everyday all the time. When I see food commercials come on the T.V. I have to turn away and plug my ears because they always describe the food and it makes me so sick. Things I use to love and could eat anyday now make me sick just thinking about them. Ice cream, yes, Ice cream makes me sick blehh. Not just food smells make me dry heave, it's now, deoderant, new carpet smell, the smell on the elevators at work, Carlens cologne, sorry baby, and even our air freshener we have in our living room. Sorry if it sounds like i'm going on and on complaining, but I need to tell someone. I know I can definetly relate to my mom, sisters, and sister in laws on this. I think I have only 4 more weeks of this at the least, lets hope. Well anywho, Carlen is almost done with school which is great! I must go now, I'm very nauseous and need to lie down. I'm at work so I will have to wait another hour and a half and then I will lie down....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Play time


Here is a picture of all our cats together.
This is Morris the friendliest and silliest cat you'll ever meet.
This is Gretchen, the beauty queen/fatty/scaredy cat.
This is Coco, the ultimate huntress and the brains of the group.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Quick story. Last week on the way home from work I was driving on University Avenue going about 50 mph. Everyone slammed on their brakes and a huge horse came running in front of my car and I had to slam on my brakes and swerve into the suicide lane. I missed it by a couple feet. The horse was scared out of his or her mind and was pooping everywhere. It ran into on coming traffic and all the cars stopped and honked. Then in ran back across my side of the road and into the grass. Some people pulled over and took out their cell phones to call the police. Just thought I'd tell you because it was one of the most random things ever; and I love random. I was shaking pretty hard but laughing at the same time. I'm just glad the horse didn't get hit.

Here is the introduction of my book; hope you enjoy:


“Ned Chamberlin was a great man. I should have told him that while he was still here.” I should’ve done a lot of things..... “What made Ned great? He smiled at you even when he was in a bad mood, drank with you even though he didn’t drink, and let you use him as your own personal punching bag if you needed it. What I’m trying to get at is, he was selfless. I would say we grew old together but he kept the oldest of us young.”

And here’s where the crying begins.

“I mm…miss you bud. You were always m…my he…hero."

I enjoy this better than the potatoes.

“I….I…can’t finish. I’m sorry…sorry.

“Thank you Charles for your honorable words. It’s alright please sit down, here’s a tissue.”

Ah the tissue. I bring one for blending purposes. No one really knows who I am but wearing black, looking glum, and having a tissue makes no one ask questions. I thought about bringing ice cubes to rub on my eyes a bit right when the crying begins, but no one can see me anyway through their goopy shriveled eyes. Besides it would melt everywhere and I’m not going to hold a freakin ice cube for an hour.

“Does anyone else want to give their final remarks?”


“No? Well then we will proceed to Ned’s last request in spreading his ashes through his many handsome gardens. This was one of his greatest wishes before he passed on. He put many years of hard labor into his gardens so let us do him this last honor. We will file out one row at a time, please follow Kate or me, and thank you.

This is new. The black mounds gradually shuffled out row by row. I am at the back as is necessary. What if it was windy outside and as they scattered the ashes they blew back at us in anger. I know I don’t want flaked human in my eyes or mouth, and I don’t even know the guy. I especially wouldn’t want a flaked human that I knew in my eye. That is a weird sentence, flaked human that I knew in my eye, ha, I make myself laugh sometimes.

It was very quiet outside, except for the “handsome” plants rustling about and a few sniffles from the black mass. Luckily the wind was blowing slightly in the opposite direction from us. Will they use their bare hands? Oh, no they are putting on latex gloves, how fitting. You come into this worlds held by latex gloves and your thrown out of this world with latex gloves. I don’t like latex gloves. I’ve never seen dead human thrown around before. It looked like rice thrown at a wedding, but it was definitely not rice and there was quite a different feeling in the air, not to mention substance. I really shouldn’t be smirking at a funeral. Ned is being put back into the earth that he worked on for so many years. I wonder if his plants will welcome him?

“Thank you all for coming and honoring Ned. We are having some refreshments in the dining room and a book where you can write down your best memories of him.”

What memory should I write this time? I should think of a new one. He taught me to appreciate the art of gardening? Or he taught me how to look handsome? Or he taught me to be selfless? Hmm, I don’t know I’ll think of something.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I'm at work right now and I thought I would take a break and update you a little on what's goin down in the Smith's crib/life.
I started writing a book! Yay! It's going to be a fiction novel. I know that Carlen is the English Major and what not but I also enjoy writing. He's going to write books of his own once he's graduated; which will be this Spring. Well I guess the only thing going on with me is work and writing a book.
Carlen has to read 18 books this semester and he is constantly reading in our room. Right now he has to finish Moby Dick and Ulysses which are very long books! Ahhh! I wouldn't be able to do it.
We found a couple Wolf Spiders in our basement! If you didn't know already, I have a severe case of Arachnophobia! It makes me so paranoid and I have to vacuum like it's going out of style. I now have to have the light on when i'm walking around so I can make sure I don't step on a spider; which never happens, but just in case. I also check the bed and covers each night to make sure there are no spiders in the bed. Oh I also check the celings, shower, and corners of the walls. You might call it OCD I guess. I don't really know how I developed this fear of spiders since I don't remember a dramatic experience involving them. Luckily our cats can track any insect down, they are the ultimate hunters. Especially Coco, we gave her the middle name of Flidais which is an Irish Goddess in Irish Mythology. She is the greatest huntress and goddess of the forests, so it is a perfect nickname for Coco. I don't know how they find some of the tiniest bugs that blend in with the carpet, it's insane, but grand.
But anywho, just thought I'd give you a sneak peak into the life and mind of Vanessa.